Qualifying competitions
Qualification selection
Qualifying competitions
Qualification selection
Karaganda meetings
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Competitions in the categories of the 1st day
Competitions in the categories of the 2nd day
Over 300 teams from six countries are expected at RoboLand 2023
Over 300 teams from six countries are expected at RoboLand 2023 According to the results of the qualifying competitions, the finalists of the VIII International Festival of Robotics, Programming and Innovative Technologies "RoboLand 2023" were determined. More than 900 people will compete. 328 teams from six countries will take part: Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan and Georgia. 17 regions of Kazakhstan will be represented, as well as the capital Astana, the cities of Almaty and Shymkent. Foreign teams – 34. This year, in addition to children and teenagers, teachers participate in competitions. Teachers will show their skills in the Roboland Kazakhstan category. The Creative category is always interesting, where participants present a variety of robotic projects. This year's theme is "Robots helping to learn at school". The competition will be held in three age groups: 6-9, 10-14, 15-18 years. In general, the competitions will be held in 17 categories: "Assemble a robot", "Sumo", "Labyrinth", "3D Prototyping", "Robot Show", etc
The VIII International Festival of Robotics, Programming and Innovative Technologies "RoboLand 2023" will be held in Karaganda on November 3-4 at the Zhastar sports complex (Shakhter Stadium, 1/4 Kazakhstanskaya Street). The organizer of the RoboLand festival is the Department of Education of the Karaganda region with the support of the Kazdidac Association, sponsors and partners. Its main goals are to promote children's scientific and technical creativity; popularization of innovative activities; exchange of best practices in the field of educational robotics; identification of the strongest robotic teams. All information on the website www.roboland.kz .
We are announcing a contest of creative projects "STEM technologies in the real world". The competition is held as part of the RoboLand 2023 festival. We invite schoolchildren from all over Kazakhstan and abroad to participate. There is one category - "Technical creativity and robotics". Entries for the competition are accepted from June 12 to October 1, 2023. The application, video or photo presentation and description of the project must be sent to the email address roboland.kz@gmail.com . The exhibition of the best works will be held at the site of the International Festival of Robotics, Programming and Innovative Technologies "RoboLand 2023". The winners and prize-winners will be awarded with medals, diplomas and valuable gifts. Detailed information about the contest and the application form on the website https://roboland .kz– in the section "Status with applications". See you at RoboLand 2023! The festival will take place in Karaganda on November 3-4.
The Basic Store is the official sponsor of the VIII International Festival of Robotics, Programming and Innovative Technologies
The official sponsor of the VIII International Festival of Robotics, Programming and Innovative Technologies is the BASIC STORE. The basic store is one of the largest suppliers of educational equipment in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Since 1998, the Basic store has been operating in the teaching aids market. Now there are more than 8 thousand items in the assortment. The basic store is a supplier of equipment for physics, chemistry, biology and other subjects, educational and visual aids, school furniture, equipment for VET, robotics equipment for preschool, secondary education and special education. The basic store is a member of the WORLDDIDAC Association (Bern, Switzerland), which unites hundreds of manufacturers and distributors of educational equipment from around the world, as well as the Association of Manufacturers and Suppliers of educational equipment KAZDIDAC. The basic store does not sell equipment, but provides educational solutions in a complex.
The basic store does not sell equipment, but provides educational solutions in a complex. For this purpose, our own software and a lot of methodological materials have been developed. Among the customers are hundreds of different organizations that represent all regions of Kazakhstan. All equipment meets the requirements of modern education. The basic store keeps up with the times!
FURO is an official partner of the VIII International Festival of Robotics, Programming and Innovative Technologies
The official partner of the VIII International Festival of Robotics, Programming and Innovative Technologies is the Foundation for Sustainable Development of Education. The Foundation for Sustainable Development of Education is a public foundation that began its activities in 2019. The Foundation implements projects in the field of education and enlightenment aimed at reducing the inequality in education between urban and rural areas using the principles of sustainable development and cooperation between society, business and the state. The Foundation for Sustainable Development of Education is constantly searching, testing and implementing the best educational practices in Kazakhstan. By uniting caring people and companies, FURO has achieved tangible results in the development of rural education, implementing projects totaling more than 21 billion tenge. The FURO projects, which have reached national proportions, have helped to update the material base of 85 rural schools, have covered more than 58 thousand students across the country, and more than 10 thousand teachers participate in the improvement program.
The plans of FURO and partners are to create a network of support schools covering all rural areas of Kazakhstan, which is almost 200 institutions of secondary education. In the process of equipping schools, they receive new classrooms and additional education classes, including modern robotics and STEM classrooms.As you know, robotics provides students with the opportunity to learn the basics of programming and logical thinking, stimulates creativity, improves problem-solving skills and teamwork. Such vital skills will help unlock the potential of rural children and ensure a successful future. Daniyar Toktarbayev – Head of the Foundation for Sustainable Development of Education "Welcome to Roboland, where robotics embodies the future itself!We are glad to welcome all participants of the festival and share this amazing journey with you. We are proud to announce that the Foundation for Sustainable Education has become Roboland's main ally.
It is a great honor for us to be involved in the festival. Robotics is the heart of the digital economy and industry 4.0, and we believe that the inclusion of robotics in curricula is an integral part of the education of a new generation. Participation in Roboland gives students a unique opportunity to develop the skills necessary to work with advanced technologies and prepare for future professions related to robotics, automation and artificial intelligence. It is gratifying that today many teams of participants represent rural schools, including participants in projects of the Foundation for Sustainable Development of Education.Every team, every participant is a miracle, ready to blossom under careful guidance and support. Perhaps today is the first step in their fascinating journey, but we are full of confidence that they will continue to surprise us from year to year. Admiration and pride accompany us when we imagine how these young minds and hearts will open up, exploring the vastness of robotics.
The team of organizers of the festival and the Foundation for Sustainable Development of Education wishes you great success in Roboland. We are sure that your talents and passion for robotics will lead you to incredible results. Welcome to a world where dreams come to life and the future becomes reality!"
Region 715 Company is a sponsor of the VIII International Festival of Robotics, Programming and Innovative Technologies
The sponsor of the VIII International Festival of Robotics, Programming and Innovative Technologies is the Region 715 company. The company specializes in the production of school furniture. Advantages of the company: experience - A large team of experienced specialists with more than 15 years of experience. Services - not only produce furniture, but design spaces. Reliability-All projects are brought to a result that satisfies the client. Time-They value time and try to do everything in the shortest possible time. About Region 715 in numbers. 80,000+ students sit on chairs brought by the company. 3200+ designed cabinets. 150+ employees are working on orders.
DIGIS AV is the Sponsor of the VIII International Festival of Robotics, Programming and Innovative Technologies
The sponsor of the VIII International Festival of Robotics, Programming and Innovative Technologies is DIGIS AV. The complex of equipment integration services offered by our company, partial or full automation of technological or business processes is a system solution. Any system solution pursues the main goal – to increase the efficiency of operation and management of the system. Solutions for home, education, business, and enterprise begin with setting a goal – to improve the process, implement the idea and install equipment. Having set your sights, you turn to a team of professionals who have experience, resources and, most importantly, the generation of ideas to solve your goal – a system integrator, DIGIS AV company. The main activities of DIGIS AV are: distribution of a wide range of projection and interactive equipment, acoustic systems and commercial sound, smart home systems and switching equipment. A range of equipment integration services
The complex of equipment integration services offered by the company, partial or full automation of technological or business processes is a system solution.From the origin of the idea and the formation of tasks to their implementation – at each stage the company will find the most optimal and correct solution. System integration – work for DIGIS AV.
RadioMart.kz - Sponsor of the VIII International Festival of Robotics, Programming and Innovative Technologies
Sponsor of the VIII International Festival of Robotics, Programming and Innovative Technologies - the company RadioMart.kz RadioMart.kz – innovative solutions in the world of 3D printing and electronics. The company is engaged in the production and sale of 3D printers, offers a wide range of products: robotic kits, modules for Arduino and Raspberry Pi,radio components, consumables for 3D printing and other related products. The company is the official distributor of Arduino and Bestfilament in Kazakhstan. Carries out delivery throughout Kazakhstan! The Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda
A teacher of computer science and robotics at a school in Maikuduk came up with a kyz-kuu1 for robots.
Why there is sumo for robots, but nothing from the Kazakh national robotics games is mastered yet? This is what Dulat Akyltaev from school №34 thought, and began to work over tenge alu2 and kyz-kuu for smart cars.
It took 9 months to implement the idea. The author wanted to arrange the mini-premiere in his native Oktyabrsky district, but when the patriotic innovation was found out in the city hotel of education, both competitions were included in the selection program for "RoboLand-2020" in Karaganda.
In tenge alu, the robot of the participant goes to the start with his "hand" raised, and then lowers the manipulator and collects the items laid out in a strictly defined order. Just as the rider of this type of baiga, who on a full race has to pick up small bags of coins from the ground. The time to complete the task in the Robo-Tenge alu is also limited, and the accuracy of the manipulations is assessed.
The path of chasing two robots in another new category is not strictly straight, which complicates the task and corresponds to tradition, because in kyz-kuu the rider-girl directs the horse to and fro to prevent the guy to catch up and kiss her. Besides, before the start of the fight the draw is held, which of the participants is to control the robot "kyz", and who to play for the "dzhigit". As for the kamcha3 hit, put the hapless young man in a real kuz-kuu, the author of the version of the game for robots so far decided to limit to the fact that the winner just pushes the loser off the track. However, both projects have great prospects for fantasy and improvement, so it is possible that by the time "RoboLand-2020" and other international festivals, unique competitions will gain even more national flavor.
Dulat Akyltaev is now also developing an idea for a kokpar4 project for robots.
Translator’s note:
Kyz-kuu 1- national Kazakh horseracing game
Tenge- alu 2 – national Kazakh game of picking tenge from the ground on a horse
Kamcha 3 – Kazakh lash for horses
Kokpar 4 – Kazakh national game
This is the second year in a row that the young designers' achievements are being shown. This time it brought together 56 teams from schools and pre-schools of the regional center.
Gulsum Kozhakhmetova, the head of the Karaganda Education Department, started the festival. She congratulated everybody on the upcoming Independence Day, noting that thanks to this holiday there was an opportunity to organize such useful and interesting events. She thanked the staff of the gymnasium No. 39, which for the second time opened its doors for the young searchers. By the way, this time the teams of preschoolers will get more and it is also a proof that the festival is gaining momentum and popularity.
While kids learn to manage a programmable mouse, they already acquire basic knowledge of programming along with reading skills. Zakhar from kindergarten "Tolagay" easily presses the right set of keys to the robot to get to the cards with letters and collect the words "mouse" and "cheese".
Older robot technicians are busy solving pressing problems.
- If last year the main part of the projects was represented by 3D-printer models, in 2019 the festival impressed with an abundance of interesting developments that can be widely used in practice," says Alexey Ananyev, the head of the information and analytical department of City Department of Education.
A lift for people with disabilities and a playground for disabled children, a garbage-sorting unit, drawing devices are among them.
Robot sorting garbage was presented at the festival by schoolchildren of the 7th grade Akhmet and Yelaman from school №16. The guys admitted that the teacher helped them, but they did the main work, including programming, operating model and slide show, though guided by a mentor, they did it themselves.
In the future, they do not see themselves as engineers yet, as well as the team that invented the truck to clean the roads. The machine not only scrabble snow from the roadway, but also pours a solution of potassium acetyl i.e. a non-toxic mixture that prevents icing of the roads. By the way, the engine of the machine also runs on chemical fuel. Hence, the passion for robotics contributes to the mastery of other school disciplines.
The guys demonstrated their inventions to the competent jury of the City Department of Education and teachers of technical disciplines. Arbitrators presented many ideas, showing sincere interest in the project.
Teachers and coaches attended a workshop on IT-technologies and filled out questionnaires at KiberOne School. Children aged 6 to 14 years old are taught to program, blog and generally work with multimedia. The aim of KiberOne is to provide early career guidance, first of all, by changing the attitude towards devices not as a toy for fun, but as a useful tool for a successful future. Moreover, on the makeathone, the guys were shown how to create their own blog, how to draw a cartoon with a moving figure on the basis of Meinkraft.
An exhibition of robotic products was holding all three hours of makeathone on the second floor of the gymnasium.
Following the results of Makeathone, the authors of the most useful and unusual projects received cups and diplomas, and their heads received letters of thanks from the Department of Education of Karaganda.
At the Roboland-2019 festival appeared a new competitive category ROBOLAND-FRIENDSHIP. The competition is absolutely unique! It allows you to look at the process of rivalry and becoming a winner from a new perspective.
“FRIENDSHIP is help, support, cooperation, empathy, loyalty, honesty, and more. In the ROBOLAND-FRIENDSHIP category, only the one who unites, agrees and will manifest human qualities in relation to rivals and representatives of his team can win” , - the initiators of the category explain.
The competition consists of three stages.
At the first stage, the participants represent their team. Then prepare a presentation (video, slide show, etc.), in which they share a real friendship story. This is not necessarily the friendship of people. For example, there may be a story of friendship between man and animal.
At the second stage it is necessary to introduce a robot that will help people. The most daring ideas and fantasies are welcome. After all, you can draw an analogy between the fabulous items and modern gadgets: carpet-plane - quadrocopter; tangle of road pointing - GPS-navigator; golden saucer and apple saucer - cameras, Skype, social networks, etc.
At the third stage, the teams need to unite with each other to pass the baton. The result depends on the ability to negotiate and establish partnerships.
The V International Festival of Robotics, Programming and Innovative Technologies "ROBOLAND 2019" will be held in Karaganda on March 29-30 at the sports complex "Zhastar".
In Kazakhstan, in aid of teachers of robotics and lovers of technical creativity, had been released a collection of three textbooks. These books contain lessons on Arduino and Raspberry Pi.
The author is a Russian software engineer, project developer in the field of robotics and electronics – Viktor Petin. The books were published on the order of the Karaganda company – Basic Store LLP, which supplies educational equipment to educational institutions throughout the country.
The collection is unique. Each lesson is a complete project – the reader gets a consistent solution. Acquired knowledge will become the basis for further development and creation of own robotic projects.
Today, robots are rapidly advancing in all spheres of human life, the publication initiators say. In these conditions, highly qualified engineers need to be prepared from school. Kazakhstan does not lag behind global processes: educational robotics is developing in schools and at an additional level, and children's interest in this type of creativity is growing.
Russian specialists conducted an enhanced training course on robotics “Arduino. Internet of Things” in Karaganda. The training was organized by the Education Department of Karaganda region and the Training and Methodological Center with the support of the Kazdidac Association and the Basis Store
Qualified professionals were invited to conduct the classes. A software engineer Viktor Petin from Pyatigorsk wrote about a dozen books on robotics. He specializes in such topics as Arduino and smart home. A teacher from Tomsk Pavel Pugachyov works at the Physico-Technical Lyceum. He trains teams for international competitions in robotics that become winners.
“The course is aimed at training trainers in Arduino. We selected a group of 30 people from among those who have already been trained. They are teachers of schools, colleges and organizations of additional education,” said Yesbol Arinov, deputy director for innovative forms of education and e-education at the Training and Methodological Center.
Arduino is planned to be made a mandatory subject for high school students in school robotics laboratories. Sets of equipment are currently being purchased.
“Our task is to provide teaching methods so that the attendees can work with school students in the future. We started with a basic level, introduction to the Arduino microcontroller and how to choose the right program. Then we moved to an in-depth level, preparation for competitions involving robots controlled by Arduino, creating IoT devices,” the teachers explained.
The attendees received certificates upon completion of the course. New knowledge will help them in working with children.
“The most important thing is that we received the right direction. We now know what to start from and where to go further on our own. We will be able to give more interesting material to our students,” shared Irina Shiyenko, head of the scientific and technical creativity department of the Children's and Youth Center of Shakhtinsk.
“This course can be compared with an open door to a great future. It is very useful, especially the Internet of Things. We were given the opportunity to create together with our students. We will start with the basics, and then ideas for an interesting project will appear,” said Nadezhda Vasiliadi, a teacher of secondary school No. 32 of Karaganda.
Protocols will be available online during the competition
The information will be available at the end of the competition.
The rules of the qualifying competitions for the categories included in the final competitions of the festival must comply with the Regulations of the festival.
The number and list of categories of qualifying competitions are determined by their organizers independently in accordance with Annex No. 1..
Teams of educational organizations, educational centers, clubs, public organizations, as well as self-organized teams that do not represent any organizations are allowed to participate in the qualifying competitions.
In the Karaganda region, qualifying competitions are held in cities and districts by the relevant departments of education.
In the regions and other regions of Kazakhstan, as well as in foreign countries, the organizer of qualifying competitions can be not only state, but also public or private organizations Qualifying competitions outside the Karaganda region can be only regional.
The procedure for conducting qualifying competitions, registration and admission to them is determined by their organizers independently in accordance with these Regulations and the Regulations of the Festival
The deadline for submitting applications for the qualifying competitions is October 10, 2024.
The deadline for the qualifying competitions is until January 15, 2025, and the deadline for submitting an application for the winners of the qualifying competitions to participate in the final competitions is until February 20, 2025.
The organizers of the qualifying competitions send to the email address roboland.kz@gmail.com within 10 days after the qualifying competitions, the competition report and the applications of the teams sent to the final competitions, in accordance with the quotas for each district or city. Report and application forms in Appendices No. 4 and 6